OpenBVE Vids
OpenBVE Vids
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OpenBVE Vids is a video series of trains running on various routes from different countries. This video series is also highly prioritized, the 2nd behind The Best of Railfanning, Plane Spotting, and Many More series.
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Various trains on different routes in OpenBVE. Spash Texts used on every video of the series. Exception is the BD Secret Tunnel videos, which uses various fonts and colors for each title. Series began: March 22nd, 2023 OpenBVE is a fan-made game. The routes and trains are developed by various creators worldwide. About the video seriesThis series bring entertaining OpenBVE videos to this channel, whether the runs are normal, wacky, demo, throwback & much more. Trains are the main reasons why these videos are made possible, as well as the routes. Videos of this seriesAttention! Some of the links may not be available right away as those blogs are currently under construction (indicated in underlined red text). Please check back later. OpenBVE NormalMain article: OpenBVE Normal OpenBVE Normal or simply just marked as "OpenBVE" on video thumbnails and titles, is a series in which trains run on their typical route where assigned as in real life. This video series is rarely worked on as it is very simple and not as interesting as it seems. Normal runs are typically done in order to showcase the route itself. All videos that fall under this playlist are not featured in any other separate playlists. Examples: A MARTA CQ311 departing Sandy Springs station on its typical route, the MARTA Red Line. An R62A at Grand Central station on its typical route, the 42nd Street Shuttle. OpenBVE ThrowbackMain article: OpenBVE Throwback OpenBVE Throwback is a series where trains from the past roam the tracks of where they used to run before retirement. This may also imply the Wacky series if the throwback also involves an old rolling stock that operates in the same city but not on the same rail line. This video series is sometimes worked on. Includes it's very own own playlist. Examples: An R68 with the old 6th Avenue Q train rollsign departing Grand Street station. An R15 6 train bypassing the old City Hall station as it returns to the Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall station. An R46 R train ariving at 77th Street station. Note that all R46s on the R train were replaced by the R160s due to CBTC restrictions. OpenBVE WackyMain article: OpenBVE Wacky Also known as OpenBVE Fictional Run, OpenBVE Troll or even OpenBVE Cursed (just referred to as OpenBVE Wacky on the channel), this video series where trains operate on a subway or rail line that is outside their home countries. The series for example, explores scenarios where subway trains run on railroad lines, and vice versa. This video series is higly worked on, as it is more fun and interesting. Also includes its very own playlist as well. In very rare cases, a video of this series may also be called 'Cursed' depending on the severity. Examples (there are alot of them): A CPTM 1400 Series at 81st Street-Museum of Natural History station on the B train rerouted via the C train. A TTC Class H5 train prepares to depart University Station (HL4) on the Harbourvale Line. The run itself is the first video of the series. A BVG Class F arriving at Demster-Skokie station on the CTA Yellow Line (AKA Skokie Swift). A GO Transit F40PH & 8 car Bombardier Bi-Level coaches in pull mode passing through a field on the Sólyomvár Line, a fictional rail line in Hungary. A Korail 7000 Series & 7 car Saemaul-ho Coaches at Brookhaven Station in Louisiana, on Amtrak train no. 59, The City of New Orleans. An R142 6 express train arrives at Grand Central-42nd Street station. An R110A departing Museum station on the YUS Line. A Tokyo Metro 01 Series arriving at Myrtle Avenue-Broadway station on the old M train. Featured in this picture is the long abandoned upper level platform of Myrtle Avenue that was once utilized by the MJ train. A Metro North 8 car M8 passing the Franklin Avenue railroad crossing and is about to cross the Hilton Avenue railroad crossing, on approach to Garden City station on the LIRR Hempstead Branch (AKA the only LIRR route available for OpenBVE). Note that the logo was blurred out due to a texture problem regarding the update. OpenBVE DemoMain article: OpenBVE Demo Also known as OpenBVE Concept, this is a video series where trains run on a route that is currently under construction or planned (recreated in OpenBVE first), or an existing route that should have a new feature (already in OpenBVE but not in real life). Examples are the Second Avenue Subway (full planned length T train route only, not the current Q train). It doesn't imply the wacky series although the route may be run by trains that are from other cities and other countries. This video series is the rarest of them all. Examples: An R142 (2 train assigned) approaching 72nd Street station on the 2nd Avenue Subway. Note that 72nd Street station already exists along the Q train in a different newer condition. An MBTA 12 Series bypassing Avenue P station on the F train while demonstrating how the F express train should run on Culver. Note that this only addresses the real life situation as the full length F express train on Culver already exists in OpenBVE. OpenBVE BD Secret Tunnel ComplationMain article: OpenBVE BD Secret Tunnel Complation Also known as "BD Tunnel Friday" features trains from various countries being launched into the BD Secret Tunnel on the TTC in OpenBVE. It is important to note that neither individuals nor equipment were harmed in any of the videos These videos are consistently released every Friday at 5 PM EST or later, unless otherwise stated. Runs on the BD Line would also involve sending the train down the BD Secret Tunnel towards the end of the run. Videos are featured in its own playlist. No examples shown as there are too much. They will be showcased in the individual blog by clicking on the blue link. OpenBVE vs Real Life Main article: OpenBVE vs Real Life And last but not least, OpenBVE vs Real Life. This is an exclusive video collection of comparing OpenBVE and real life videos. The video clips may be the exact same or similar to each other but different. This video series is rarely worked on and is featured in its own playlist as well. Videos may be filmed by myself or others (real life clips only) with credit given if applicable. Examples will be shown in its own blog. Camera views on every OpenBVE VidsRailfanning viewFilming a train as it arrives and departs a station, crosses a railroad crossing or bypasses a station. These are mostly done with trains featured in a video that doesn't have an interior. A Korail DEMU 10000 series bypassing a railroad crossing along the Budapest Suburban route H7. Zooming into a Seoul Metro 2000 Series bypassing Neck Road station with a stopped R160 Q train. A Tokyo Metro 01 Series approaching the Williamsburg Bridge with an outbound R32 passing on the left. Filming the TTC T1 as it bypasses Woodhaven Blvd station. Ride on view Involves riding onboard the train that is running on the route. This isn't featured if the train doesn't come with an interior. Always involves riding in the first car of the train as messing with the interior camera would cause OpenBVE to crash. Riding onboard one of the Saemaul-ho Coaches on the City of New Orleans. Taking a seat onboard the Metro North M8 as it enters the East River tunnel on approach to Penn Station. Riding onboard an R160 F train. Notice that the doors are missing from its place on the right side and the left side with one half missing (this was caused by some sort of bug). This would be deemed as an unsafe train to ride on in real life. Cab view (Driver's position)Riding inside the cab where the train is controlled. Very rare occasion and usually takes place if a train doesn't have an interior. (No examples to show) Changelogs & evolutionMarch 22nd, 2023: Video series began. The HUD interference was present in the videos (power controls, door monitor, ATS interference and the windows tab) as well as the windows tab and Bandican watermark. Example of a video with the HUD interferences and tab window shown. August 9th, 2023: The HUD interference and tab (which is cropped out during editing) has been hidden. The latter still remains on all BD Secret Tunnel videos (which has also since been removed as well). This is done to give a full screen experience during a run. Example of a video with the latter removed (aforementioned above). The windows tab is still present and is cropped out during editing. Ready to watch?As of June 2023, separate playlists have been created for each OpenBVE runs. These can be found in the channel homepage or by going to each of the separate articles above. The main playlist is retained only for counting purposes. Additional linksYou can also download OpenBVE for yourself on PC (Windows or Mac) on the official site. It is free of charge. To film your own OpenBVE videos, I highly recommend Bandicam, a high quality PC screen recorder. It is also free of charge. See more blogs and head to the channel.Return to homepage: Topsangtheman's Blog Subscribe to the channel: TopsangthemanYT ❌Do not copy or redistribute this blog nor this page. Doing so will result in a copyright claim or termination. ©️TopsangthemanYT. All Rights Reserved. |
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